Comenius - OMAC

Questionnaire on freedom of thought, expression and information

School part

AdriaLiceo “C. Bocchi


 Students involved: nr. 18


Freedom of thought in Giordano Bruno, Galileo Galilei and Spinoza


QUESTIONNAIRE   ( from BURY and previous studies in philosophy)


1.  Why is human thought always free? (max. 3 lines)


2.  Is freedom a private matter?                   □ Yes                                □ No



3.  What is the relation between freedom of thought and freedom of speech? (max. 3 lines)


4.  Has freedom of speech been acquired without any struggles? (max. 3 lines)



5.  According to Bury, why has freedom of thought been acquired only recently?

(max 4 lines)


6.  How do conservative doctrines cope with freedom of thought and freedom of speech?    (max. 5 lines)


7.  What is the role of religion in such matters? (max. 3 lines)



8.  In Bury’s opinion, open criticism to religious beliefs is a direct attack against supernatural powers.                                                           □   Yes                                           □ No


9.  Which philosopher preferred to die rather than hide his own thoughts? (max. 1 line)



10.Quote from the passage Bury‘s version of Agostino’s statement: “Mota quaetare, quaeta non movere”. (max 5 lines)