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Comenius Multilateral Partnership

OMAC – Open minds for active citizenship

Questionnaire on freedom of thought, expression and information / common part


Number of students from Zespół Szkół Nr 2 im. E.Kwiatkowskiego  Dębica

 involved : 100   -   68 MALE 32 FEMALE aged 17-19 years


  1. In your opinion, should people have the right to express their thoughts without any limitations?

a)   Yes, always, no matter what the consequences are                              49

b)   No, never                                                                                                  3      

c)   Yes, on condition that nobody’s hurt                                                       42        

d)   Yes, but only in private situations                                                              6   




  1. Should all people have access to all kinds of information?


a)   Yes, surely                                                                                                24       

b)   Yes, apart from private information which should be protected                 55       

c)   Not always, since some information might be unsuitable for young children      8 

d)   No, some information should be protected for the common good                     13  










3.  Should there be access to information, particularly on the web,

     that might be   used for criminal purposes?


a)   No, never                                                                                                           30  

b)   Yes, because democracy always involves some risks                                       24

c)   Only by public authorities                                                                                  20

d)   I don’t care about it                                                                                            26