OMAC - Comenius Multilateral Partnership – 6th – 10th October 2009


MINUTES of working days


Wed. 7th October  2009


Working day 1




Welcome from the host school

Meeting with the directors

Presentation of the school; Artistic programme





  • Check on the future meetings
  • Evaluation of the results of the questionnaires – common part
  • Technical testing on the multilingual dictionary (1st year)
  • Open discussion: how many idioms for the 2nd part of the dictionary and what deadline?
  • A common questionnaire for the project evaluation
  • Check on the didactical path, 1st year
  • The films of the project: common grid for analysis and titles
  • Questionnaire on freedom of conscience and religion, common part: question writing
  • Movements and people in defense of freedom of conscience and religion
  • Role and tasks of the associated partners for the second year


Mobility numbers are updated.

The dates of the future meetings are confirmed by all the partners.


The results of the questionnaire-common part are evaluated and commented upon by all the partners: significant differences among the data are due to the difference in the students’ ages, namely as regards the schools of Targu Jiu and Sant’.Angelo in Vado.


The multilingual dictionary is checked and tested, it is agreed that Adria will provide the audio file or the phonetical transcription of the English idioms.

It is also agreed that the idioms to be uploaded for the 2nd part of the dictionary will be 10 from each school.. Deadline: before Meeting of Shumen.


Ivo suggests all the partners should be involved in the making of the project evaluation questionnaire: a list of 24 questions is now uploaded on the eun-community website; then, each school will be asked to choose among the questions the ones (max:12) which best suit the task. Deadline: March 2010.



The didactical path for the 1st year are checked through the static website: some school have not updated them yet, then they are given new deadlines to finish their work as soon as possible at least in national language.



The film titles for the project are the following:

Yalova: Freedom Writers

Targu Ju: Into the Wild

Bucharest: Defiance

Debica: Popieluszko, Freedom is in us

Shumen: Into the Wild

Berlin: GG89

Italy: Good Night and Good Luck



A common grid for the discussion on the film is finally written down:




Everything you see in a film is the director’s decision. It is very important, then, that you understand how the director has transferred his ideas onto the screen. In order to do this, here is a list of things to pay attention to:

  1. Basıc ınformatıon about the fılm: dırector. Tıtle. Characters.productıon. year of productıon.
  2. where the film is set and in what period
  3. short summary of  the plot
  4. thıngs that partıcularly ımpressed you about the fılm
  5. the music: does ıt convey specıfıc themes/messages?
  6. what ıs the message of the fılm and what dıd you learn from ıt?
  7. what would you change ın the fılm?


After that, the questions for the Questionnaire on Freedom of Conscience and of Religion (common part) are worked out.



  1. In your opinion,should people have the right to follow and demonstrate theır  relıgıon without any limitations?

-       Yes,always

-       Yes, on condition that nobody’s hurt

-       Yes, but only in private situations

-       No,because ıt’s not always possıble


  1. Have you ever been ın a  conflıct between what you have been taught at school, ın your famıly, ın your country and what you personally felt was rıght?

-       Yes

-       No

-       Questionnaire, national part: 3 to 5 questıons in charge of each school, results will have to be uploaded on the website but not compared to each other.



Deadlıne for the common part: 7th January 2010, before Berlin meeting; for the national part: the mid of Aprıl, so that the results wıll be compared ın Shumen and presented at the fınal conference in Targu Jiu.


As regards the movements and people in defense of freedom of conscience and religion, IPHR (International Partnership for Human Rights) is strongly recommended for further analysis of the international situation as it deals with updated news and statistics on freedom of religion and conscience. It is therefore suggested the partners should follow the following steps for discussion:

1)    What is the situation of freedom of religion and of conscience in my country?

2)    What is the situation of freedom of religion and of conscience in Europe?

3)    What is the situation of freedom of religion and of conscience in the world?

4)    Choose a country where freedom of religion and conscience is in danger and study the case.

Deadline for this part: 7th January.

Role and tasks of the associated partners for the second year: details will be uploaded on the website, to be done by the mid of April 2010.





Thurs. 8th October  2009


Working day 2





  • Steps for the 2nd year
  • Using the forum Eun community
  • Using the dynamic website
  • Using the static website
  • Suggestions for Targu Jiu International Conference
  • Questionnaire of meeting evaluation – Certificates


As regards the 2nd year steps,

1) (definition of Freedom of Conscience and of Religion) has already been done.

2) Partners agree on uploading their contribution of 1 page for the National Facts and 1 page for the International Facts by 7th January.

3) Movements in defense and the defenders of freedom of religion and conscience (see minutes Wed. 7th Oct.)

4)   The viewing and analysis/discussion of film  

5)   Analysis of the present international situation regarding freedom of  religion and conscience

6)   Questionnaire with common part and  national part on freedom of religion and conscience.


4), 5) and 6) – school part - : to be done by the mid of April 2010

In the computer lab of the school, Christian and Ivo provide instructions and details on the best way to make the websites really effective: some problems from the partners are solved and some requests are forwarded. In the area of news ( dynamic website ) all the partners can insert events that happen in their country and with regard to  topics of our OMAC (Obviously by sending a file to Christian).


All the partners provide suggestions for the Final International Conference in Targu Ju: it is agreed that there should be an opening ceremony with local and European authorities; the meeting will be the right place for the partners to discuss upon the results of the project and then to fill in the common part of the final report.


Questionnaires of meeting evaluation are filled in; in the meantime, Ivo reminds the partners that new Comenius applications will have to be forwarded in January-February 2010; the schools of OMAC are most welcome for any future project with Liceo Bocchi and are then invited to make up their minds by the end of December. The topics are open to discussion.


Certificates are provided to all the partners.



Facilitator: Ivo Zambello

Note-taker: Lucia Pozzato