

Ways of expressing freedom - national facts


In Turkey,  the development of press and the struggle of freedom of press have gone by varied eras.


* "Takvim-i Vakayi" -  The first Turkish newspaper : was printed in 11 November , 1831. It was

      founded by Sultan II. Mahmud.  Takvim-i Vakayi was an official gazette at which the government works

      and executed reforms was printed to the community and foreign people. It was the single newspaper of 

      Turkey  during almost 10 years.   

* "Ceride-i Havadis" : was printed in 1840 by an English man William Churchill. Although it was founded

      by private capital, it was faced with the threat of closure because of insufficient sale. After it received

       state relief, it became a semiofficial gazette.

* "Tercüman-ı Ahval" : was founded by Agah Efendi. It is the first private Turkish newspaper. The

      opinion writings on economy, industry, trade, policy and scholary were involved in this newspaper.It

      became a newspaper that the journalits could convey their thoughts to the community.

* After that, "Tasvir-i Efkar" and others were printed.

* "Matbaa Nizamnamesi" came into force in 1857. People must get permission from the goverment who wants to get printer's licence.

* During the Ottoman Empire, in 1864 "Basın Tüzüğü" arranged the activities of journalism.

* In 1867 "Ali Kararname" gave the goverment to close down the press. The aims of these decrees were that to prevent the dissemination of ideas across the government by press.


*1.Meşrutiyet(1876) – First Constitutional Era : included an important improvement regarding freedom of press and at this era “Kanuni Esasi” whose twentieth article says “ The press is free by law”  got admission.


*1878-1908 – İstibdad Era : - The Turkish press was under pressure extremely.

                                                - Most newspapers’ press was forbidden.

                                                - Newspapers were gathered from the news agents.

                                                - Most of journalists either were put in prison or were


                                                -Some of the journalits went abroad in order to

                                                  communicate their ideas which they couldn’t tell in

                                                  their homeland to public opinion.


* 1908 – Second Constitutional Era : 24 July 1908- There was no obligation any

   more about checking the newspapers before pressing.

-          There was no censorship on press anymore but there was still some restriction on press.That means the press couldn’t be complete free at this era, at İttihad ve Terakki Party Era and at the first era of Republic.


*1925-March : Republican Government kept down the press by the law called

                         “Takrir-i Sükun” .Especially the press of İstanbul was influenced by  

                            that strict control. 


* “1931 Matbuat (Press) Law” and “1938-1946 Second World War” : There was still a great strict control on the Turkish Press. However, “the freedom of press” issue was begun to be discussed among society.  


*1946 : “Gazeteciler Cemiyeti” (Journalists Community), which got active as free, was founded.    


*1950 : “Gazetecilik Enstitüsü” (Journalism Institute) was founded by İstanbul

             University in order to educate conscious journalits.


*1950 : The pressure on the Turkish Press was decreased  considerably by 5680

              numbered “The Press Law”.


*2004 : 5187 numbered “The Press Law” : It serves to freedom of expression, to democracy, to contemporary, independent, participant society and to person law. According to its  Article 3


The press is free. This freedom includes the right to acquire and disseminate information, and to criticize, interpret and create works.

The exercise of this freedom may be restricted in accordance with the requirements of a democratic society to protect the reputation and rights of others as well as public health and public morality, national security, and public order and public safety; to safeguard the indivisible integrity of its territory; to prevent crime; to withhold information duly classified as state secrets; and to ensure the authority and impartial functioning of the judiciary.

