Didactical path Logo szkoły “Freedom of conscience and religion”

                Social sciences







1.Situation of freedom of conscience and religion in Poland


-The national and international law concerning freedom of conscience

- The activity of Kardynał Wyszyński ‘ The Primate of the Millennium ‘

- The activity of Priest Jerzy Popiełuszko “ martyr for faith’


2. Situation of freedom of conscience and religion in Europe



-          International law concerning freedom of conscience

-          Lack of union law concerning freedom of conscience ( the European Union members’ laws are applied instead)

-          Religion conflicts in Europe (Northern Ireland, Kosovo, Islam expansion in Europe)




3. Situation of freedom of conscience and religion in world


-          UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other legal documents concerning   freedom of conscience


-          Freedom of conscience in some areas of world ( Algeria, India, Sudan, Republic of the Philippines)



4. The analyze of China as an example of country where freedom of conscience and religion is infringed :




-          Persecutions of muslim Ujgurs, Tibetan Buddhism, protestant churches and Catholic churches accepting Vatican suzerainty.


-          Life and activity of XIV  His Holiness Dalai Lama  Tenzin Gyatso.