

   Topic of

the lesson











1.  A film review- writing guideline



Presenting students with the layout of a film review and useful  vocabulary for writing the review.

Homework: Find the details about the film ‘Into the wild’(necessary for writing a film review) on the Internet.


2.  Film „Into the Wild” by Sean Penn



Watching the film (148min)



3.  Discussion after the film












see also students work


Presenting students with helpful vocabulary


Debate:  should the review be positive or negative? (negative and positive things about the film)

Group work: forming paragraphs,  final comments,  impressions of the characters,  using descriptive words (about the story, setting, effects used, music etc)


Homework : Write a review of „Into the wild” film. Recommend watching it or not and justify your point of view.

(students’ reviews)




















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