Analysis of present international situation with reference to freedom of thought, expression and information.



1.     In spite of the fact that many important legal documents protecting freedom of thought, expresion and information, have been drawn up, present international situation is far from being ideal. These freedoms are not being respected in some countries.


2.     Thanks to the organisation Reporters without Borders, which campains for the freedom of press in the world, supports and protects journalists and other media assistants, fights  against prosecution,imprisonment and censorship, we are able to get insight into real situation in this field. Organisation Reporters without Borders  is inspired by article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.


3.     On the basis of information provided by this organisation we can learn about situation in Russia or Belarus.



a) in Russia censorship was officially abolished in 1992, but the citizens are still being prosecuted, for example for criticism of ruling party. Because of that 214 journalists suffered in the years 1992-2002, among them:

- Borys Stomachin

-Dimitrij Szałachow

-Wager Kaczetkow

-Ilie Zimin

-Anna Politkowska


b) in Belarus members Union of Poles in Belarus are being prosecuted. Union of Poles in Belarus is an organisation that represents Polish minority in Belarus. Itwas set up in Grodno in 1990 and is aimed at propagating Polish culture and education among the Poles who live there.However, the organisation is prohibited by belarusian government.The leader of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, has accused Poland and the European Union of trying to use the group to create an uprising similar to what took place in Ukraine, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan. Similarly to Russia, also journalists are being prosecuted .-Weronika Czerkasowa , Wasil Hrodnitau.