Partnership Evaluation

Comenius Multilateral Partnership    


(Open Minds for Active Citizenship)

Freedom of thought, expression and information;

freedom of conscience and religion





10.2   Evaluation of the didactical path


The didactical path, which  involved several subjects such as history, social sciences, national and foreign  literatures (mainly English, but  also German and French) showed that the teachers’ choice of contents was extremely important in order to reach the desired targets and aims. Even though the 9 partner schools have different courses and student’s ages, the final product could  become part of  the curricula of many European schools, both vocational-technological and traditional ones. Moreover, some of the schools included documents in their national ancient languages,  further proof of the European attention to human rights which dates back hundreds of years.

Finally, the involvement of civics and religion leads to Amnesty International’s special exhortation: all the European schools should consider their national traditions and religions as guiding lights which may lead our  countries  to future peace and harmony.     


Amnesty International

Italian Section

Education Department

by Liliana Cereda and Renata Toninato