Sant’Angelo in Vado

                                                        A lesson of I.H.L. - International Humanitarian Law –


in the Town Hall of Sant'Angelo in Vado
On the 16th May 2009, we, students from the third and second classes  of Sant’Angelo in Vado School went together with our teachers, to the Town Hall meeting room for a presentation of our work about the  project "Comenius"  in both English and French.  We were there also to listen to a report  by a speaker about International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights.

As soon as we arrived we took our places and sat down waiting...
Just before the crucial time of course, there was a little hitch - the computer could not read the presentation -just one of those  small technical problem that enlivens the waiting moments! However, our teacher Monaco Cecilia and the person in charge did not panic, and showing great proficiency in computer matters they were soon able to solve the problem. At last the teacher started to show the slides of all  the work for  the  O.M.A.C. Project :"Open Minds for Active Citizenship" showing drawings, texts, and all sorts  of other information about the project.
  The end result was excellent. Everyone concerned - those who worked really hard and even those who were rather more relaxed in their research, together produced a fine end result. The final product of our project is available for all to see, as it is now published on the internet.
After the presentations about the European projects the speaker in charge of the Italian Red Cross began to talk about International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. Faced with yet another presentation it seemed boring at first, but then he caught our attention and we found it very interesting indeed.
  Dr. Gianluigi Gulli began immediately with a question :

 "Do you believe that war is right or wrong?"

In this way he immediately aroused our curiosity.
The challenge of the direct question was a bit of a shock for us – not least because it appeared at first to be a question with such an obvious answer. However, throughout the presentation of the speeches, and whilst different arguments were being discussed, and pictures were being shown, Dr Gianluigi Gulli kept talking, commentating, on them, discussing different aspects of them, and we were fascinated by his words and felt shocked by the society around us.
  We also “dragged up” the past, thinking of all the deaths caused by the cruelties of the World Wars. From time to time he asked some questions, but it was very confusing ... everyone was talking, giving his /her own opinion or comment. And so we come to the end, thinking of the "rotten and filthy " present  society: a society that neither prevents war but also, in some way does not reject it either.
How can civil war within a country be justifiable, either morally or legally?
Fortunately, to improve and protect people’s lives there have been many arrangements "the famous
GENEVA CONVENTIONS" promoted years ago by an enterprising gentleman named Henri Dunant!
The link between Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and International Humanitarian Law is essential! 
After many searching questions and lively discussions we returned to school, happy with what we had learned during this meeting, ready to grow and to help build a better future, where war will be finally banned and freedom will not be the opposite of war any more, but it will become a way of life !!!!!

Casella di testo:






In both the projects we are involved in at our school i.e. "Open Minds for Active Citizenship" and "On dit non à la violence: education à la non-violence et à la paix" the main theme, and what should be dear to every human being, is freedom. According to Humanitarian Law, it is the first thing that a person has the right to have, but today , it is often severely violated by many of us. We, too - even as children- with our faults and our selfishness, can affect the freedom of other people. The constitution is like a veil that covers and protects us all, but just like a veil, which is fragile, it is also very easy to harm it, by tearing  it or cutting it with a knife. Freedom, however, has several aspects, which may be either good or bad. The good aspect is that it protects us, and does not prevent us from helping us to build our future. The bad aspect is that freedom can allow everyone to act selfishly and it is this aspect which is heavily implicated in wars and conflicts, where nothing is forbidden and only certain freedoms " the good ones " are protected by a few conventions.
Usually the word "freedom" does not mean what it says. It comes at a cost. At its inception, “Freedom” had a very specific meaning, to enable every person to be safe, to help others and to build a better world. Today however, it is often used as the opposite of the word "war." After a war, what sort of freedom can there be if everyone is scared, people are ignorant and these words are meaningless? Is this freedom? Even today, are we really free?

The truth is that today freedom is a "ghost word", an ideal we believe we possess, but in reality we are still a long way from that!
We need freedom everywhere, and it is increasingly becoming more   a necessity than a style of life, and this is wrong, because we must not seek freedom, but we must build it by helping each other!!!!!

                                                                                         MICHELA PASQUALI  3^ A                                                                                                Sant’Angelo in Vado                               

                                                                                    TEACHERS : PALAZZETTI ERNESTA