Ways of expressing freedom



During the course of history manifestations of freedom of information, thought or expression were very controversial and ended in dramas many times. On one side there were state institutions, political regimes and on the other side there were ordinary people, philosophers, scientists.

There was such situation during the Middle Age when the conception about humanity, life and society was dominated by church and every attempt of expressing freedom of all kind was hard punished.

In the XIV – XVI centuries, the Renaissance and the Religious reform allowed a better expressing of freedom but it gave birth to the Inquisition too. It was a dramatic period for famous people like Giordano Bruno or Galileo Galilei  

The opening for expressing freedom continued the Enlightenment period in the XVIII century but it also generated major conflicts with the absolute monarchy.

In the XX century, many ways of expressing freedom were bloody repressed by military, fascist or communist regimes making possible atrocities like holocaust or soviet gulag.  

Nowadays, new technologies, such as the Internet, and satellite and digital broadcasting, offer unprecedented opportunities to promote freedom of expression and information. Action by the authorities to limit the spread of harmful or illegal content through the use of these technologies should be carefully designed to ensure that any measures taken do not inhibit the enormous positive potential of these technologies. The application of rules designed for other media, such as the print or broadcast sectors, may not be appropriate for the internet. Obviously, limitations on such technologies will be a fine balancing act between defending the freedom of expression and information and ensuring protection from abuses.






Scoala Generala Pompiliu Marcea Targu Jiu,                                                      ROMANIA